Thursday, November 20, 2008

USC Still Tops in International Student Enrollment

The University of Southern California enrolled 7,189 international students in the 2007-08 academic year, according to the Open Doors report issued by the Institute of International Education. This was the seventh year in a row that USC was ranked first by Open Doors. In 2007-08, NYU ranked second and Columbia University was third.

China and India each sent a large number of students to the campus in Los Angeles, with almost 2,600 students coming from these two emerging nations. USC officials attributed the jump in Chinese students to several factors, including its reputation among the Pacific Rim and a commitment to recruiting supported by an expanding alumni base in several Chinese cities.

"USC is the top American university for international students by design, not by accident," said C. L. Max Nikias, executive vice president and university provost. "We have been strategically expanding our international presence in major cities around the world. As a result, our students are better prepared to compete in an increasingly global society."

"International students from 115 different countries bring a wealth of experiences and viewpoints to our campus," said Tony Tambascia, assistant dean of student affairs. "This contributes to a dynamic learning environment unparalleled at any other American university."

Source: USC News, 11/18/08

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